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Cisco SSH Configuration

by on Jan.12, 2009, under Cisco, Network, Security

conf# username cagri privilege 15 secret cisco

“creates a user in local database with privelege level 15 and encrypted password cisco”

conf#ip domain-name tugriceri.com

“sets a domain name for the device”

conf#crypto key generate rsa

“creates a rsa key. in the next step encryption bits will be asked. default is 512. 1024 is better”

conf#ip ssh version 2

“change the version of ssh to 2”

conf#line vty 0 4

“go under the virtual teletype ports”

conf-line#transport input ssh

“and change the login type from telnet to ssh”

conf-line#login local

“device will look at the local user database to log in a user”

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