Socket proxy with ssh
by Emre Tugriceri on Dec.26, 2010, under Shell, SSH
ssh -D 7200 root@hostname

Directory sync with rsync over ssh
by Emre Tugriceri on May.29, 2009, under Linux, Shell
<a name="linuxsvrhack-CHP-3-SECT-2">root@emre:~# <b class="emphasis-bold">rsync -ave ssh server:/opt/dir /opt</b></a>
Transponder Lists for Kaffeine
by Emre Tugriceri on May.20, 2009, under DVB, Linux, Shell
There is a link that include transponder lists.
This script will convert fastsatfinder’s transponder lists to kaffeine format.
I used 0130.ini file for Hotbird.
cat 0130.ini | awk -F “=” ‘{print $2}’ > out
for aa in `cat out`
echo $aa |sed ‘s/,34/,3\/4/; s/,56/,5\/6/; s/,23/,2\/3/’ | awk -F “,” ‘{print “S”” “$1″000 “$2” “$3″000 “$4″”}’ >> Hotbird-13.0E

How to test via command line
by Emre Tugriceri on Apr.10, 2009, under Shell, Squid
[root@proxy squid]# echo “emre Standard_Access” | /usr/lib/squid/ -d
Debugging mode ON.
Got emre Standard_Access from squid
Standard Access
User: -emre-
Group: -Standard Access-
SID: -S-1-5-21-2095213794-1237320697-2031155483-2732-
GID: -16777226-
Sending OK to squid

remove multi space with sed
by Emre Tugriceri on Apr.10, 2009, under Shell
cat ISALOG_20090302_WEB_000.w3c | sed ‘s/\s/ /g

run command via ssh (remote)
by Emre Tugriceri on Apr.08, 2009, under Linux, Security, Shell
cat | ssh root@
ssh root@ “date”

Citrix Netscaler backup script
by Emre Tugriceri on Apr.14, 2008, under Shell
Netscaler config lerini yedeklemek için yazdığım bir script belki birilerinin daha ihtiyacı vardır.
shell # ./ceknsconfig.ex `date +%y%m%d-%N`
şeklinde bir kullanımı var. Afiyet olsn.
File Replace with sed
by Emre Tugriceri on Dec.24, 2007, under Shell
-i[SUFFIX], –in-place[=SUFFIX]
edit files in place (makes backup if extension supplied)
[root@etugriceri sil2]# sed -i ‘s/LAND/AIR/i’ *
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