Author Archive
Disabling the mode button on the catalyst devices
by cagri on Apr.24, 2009, under Cisco, Network
Disable the Express Setup feature so that the switch configuration cannot be deleted if the Mode button is mistakenly or maliciously pressed for 10 seconds.
In order to disable the Express Setup feature, issue the “no setup express” command in global config mode.
fast “show run”
by cagri on Jan.13, 2009, under Cisco, Network
conf#parser config cache interface
#show run
in privelege mode, type “term len 0″
“show run” or “show start” will be faster
“show run brief“
Cisco SSH Configuration
by cagri on Jan.12, 2009, under Cisco, Network, Security
conf# username cagri privilege 15 secret cisco
“creates a user in local database with privelege level 15 and encrypted password cisco”
conf#ip domain-name
“sets a domain name for the device”
conf#crypto key generate rsa
“creates a rsa key. in the next step encryption bits will be asked. default is 512. 1024 is better”
conf#ip ssh version 2
“change the version of ssh to 2”
conf#line vty 0 4
“go under the virtual teletype ports”
conf-line#transport input ssh
“and change the login type from telnet to ssh”
conf-line#login local
“device will look at the local user database to log in a user”