Tugriceri Web Notes


Snoop with ssg

by on Feb.11, 2009, under Firewalls

SSGW-> snoop filter ip src-ip dst-ip
snoop filter added
SSGW-> snoop
Start Snoop, type ESC or ‘snoop off’ to stop, continue? [y]/n y
SSGW-> clear dbuf
SSGW-> get dbuf stream

SSGW-> snoop off

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Bir Asa log u

by on Oct.04, 2008, under Firewalls, Security

Routing failed to locate next hop for icmp from outside…

Net1 de olması gereken bir host yada network net2 de tanımlanmış ise bu log ile karşılaşılır.  Host u fln silip doğru yerde tanımlarını yapmak lazım.

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Cisco Asa ssh enable

by on Oct.03, 2008, under Firewalls, Security

username emre password pas priv 15
aaa authentication ssh console LOCAL

ssh x.x.x.x x.x.x.x external

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