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Nec firmware update under linux

by on Apr.25, 2009, under Hardware, Linux

Nec firmware update under linux
Please download necflash utility from http://binflash.cdfreaks.com/
[root@frost local]# ./necflash -scan
Binflash – NEC version – (C) by Liggy and Herrie
Visit http://binflash.cdfreaks.com

List of supported devices:

Device   : /dev/sg3
Vendor   : Optiarc
Model    : DVD RW AD-5170A
Firmware : 1.11

Device   : /dev/scd0
Vendor   : Optiarc
Model    : DVD RW AD-5170A
Firmware : 1.11

This is our dvdrom info.

We should get a backup our current firmware with this command. sg3 is our device.
./necflash -dump Optiarc-AD-5170A-1.11.bin /dev/sg3

Following links have Liggy’s and Dee’s modified firmwares. I want to use it. You can easly find original firmware.

[root@frost local]# unzip 114bt_rpc1.zip
Archive:  114bt_rpc1.zip                
This file was downloaded from http://liggydee.cdfreaks.com
Please read the instructions included in this zipfile and
on our website at http://liggydee.cdfreaks.com/page/5170/
  inflating: readme.txt                                  
  inflating: 114bt_rpc1.bin                              
  inflating: Liggy’s and Dee’s Website.url  

[root@frost local]# ./necflash -flash -v -s 114bt_rpc1.bin /dev/sg3

Vendor: Optiarcberat sitesi
Identification: DVD RW AD-5170A
Version: 1.14

Remember no one can be held responsible for any kind of failure!
Are you sure you want to proceed? (y/n)

if you get “Error submitting checksum” error. You should set your device to pio mode. I couldnt set with hdparm and i set it on bios.

[root@frost local]# ./necflash -scan
Binflash – NEC version – (C) by Liggy and Herrie
Visit http://binflash.cdfreaks.com

List of supported devices:

Device   : /dev/sg3
Vendor   : Optiarc
Model    : DVD RW AD-5170A
Firmware : 1.14

Device   : /dev/scd0
Vendor   : Optiarc
Model    : DVD RW AD-5170A
Firmware : 1.14

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